Listening using Social Media

Many business executives still don’t understand how to leverage social media, the following article provides some tips. Lessons learned: use social media to listen to feedback to your business but more importantly, use it to listen to feedback to your competitors as well! The 1 Thing Every Business Executive Must Understand About Social Media |… Continue reading Listening using Social Media

Social success by ignoring Facebook and Twitter?

Four ways to succeed in using social media to get more customers and keep the ones you have: Ignore Facebook and Twitter (for now) and Pinterest Instead of jumping to social media, FIRST understand the art of content marketing Build a great web site, blog and email newsletter Now you can check out the world… Continue reading Social success by ignoring Facebook and Twitter?

The Enterprise IT Landscape in 2012: Consumerization Rules The Roost

As the following article indicates, techology used in consumer space is merging with those in enterprise space: The Enterprise IT Landscape in 2012: Consumerization Rules The Roost : Enterprise Irregulars.