The top five public clouds pile on the services and options, while adding unique twists Source: Cloud review: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Joyent | InfoWorld
Category: Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
Open Container Project – portability amongst cloud service providers?
With all the big players involved in container ecosystem behind the Open Container Project, will this become the standard for portability amongst the cloud service providers? More information from the following article from TechCrunch: Docker, CoreOS, Google, Microsoft, Amazon And Others Come Together To Develop Common Container Standard
14 家中國 + 海外雲端儲存比併
A comparison of cloud storage services both overseas and within China done by website. Check out which one is suitable for your online storage needs. 誰最快? 最大免費容量? 14 家中國 + 海外雲端儲存比併 l UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活.
Understanding cloud computing and storage
Here is a brief introduction to cloud computing and storage services: Understanding cloud computing and storage | Digital Trends.
Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing Shows Enterprises Finding Value in Big Data, Virtualization
Gartner’s hyper cycle for Cloud Computing indicates enterprises are getting most value in use of Cloud Computing for Big Data and Virtualization but still a long way away to abandon the on-premise models Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing Shows Enterprises Finding Value in Big Data, Virtualization – Forbes.
9 dos and don’ts of cloud computing | Healthcare IT News
Some tips on shifting to cloud computing. Some important keywords: Planning Assessment Change Management 9 dos and don’ts of cloud computing | Healthcare IT News.
Some Pain, But Plenty to Gain, from Cloud Deployments
Cloud computing deployments are still a painful process Some Pain, But Plenty to Gain, from Cloud Deployments: Survey – Forbes.
Google Drive Review
Review of Google Drive
MOCLO: The Future Of IT Is Mobile And Cloud
We are entering the MOCLO era, where data will not always be locked inside corporate walls and IT can leverage the cloud for real-time analytics Verizon’s Stratton: The Future Of IT Is Mobile And Cloud – Forbes.
Unknown elements with Big Data and Cloud Computing
Big data and cloud computing hold great promise, but keep an eye on the key questions around this pairing Unknown elements with Big Data and Cloud Computing