A credit card-sized digital device from the startup Coin is attempting to replace 8 of your credit cards in your wallet. Could this be THE credit card of the future? See the following post from The Verge: Wallet hack: can Coin replace your credit cards? | The Verge.
Month: November 2013
How to Enable and Secure Remote Desktop on Windows
Here is a primer from howtogeek.com on how to enable and secure Remote Desktop on Windows which is a useful tool to remote control your computer How to Enable and Secure Remote Desktop on Windows.
Testing Post #2 2013-11-10
Testing post #2 from http://allthingstechnology.stephenleung.idv.hk
Testing Post #1 2013-11-10
Testing post #1 from http://allthingstechnology.stephenleung.idv.hk on 2013-11-10